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Hello everyone! This is one of the topics that I like to talk a lot, because I love food, but if they make me choose something specific, I would choose the potato cake. This is my favorite food because I like the taste of the potato mixture with pine (this is like the pine of Chilean empanadas). Honestly i don’t   remember the last time that I ate it, it was a long time ago, because I like the homemade potato cake not the restaurant cake, and my mom don’t have time to make it, because she works all day.   The first time I tried the potato cake was when I was very young, my mother did it almost every weekend, and I really enjoyed eating it, it is a taste that reminds me of my childhood.    I don´t know the recipe for the potato cake, but I know what he has, it is very similar to the corn cake, the cake has egg, olives and pine that is made with mincemeat   and onion, the   changes is in the coverage , which instead of corn has mashed potatoes with cheese. For th

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